Sleep is a daily routine activity that has many advantages. Having adequate and quality sleep time is essential for the child's immune system to work correctly. If he does not get enough sleep, his body becomes vulnerable to viruses that cause illness. Adequate and quality sleep can also speed up the recovery process after a disease because, during sleep, the body will release cytokines. These proteins serve to fight infections in the body.
Studies have shown that children who regularly get adequate sleep have improved attention, learning, behaviour, memory, and overall mental and physical health.
The CDC has suggested the following amounts of sleep for children in each category, as seen below.

Infants under 1 year

12-16 hours

Children 1-2 years old

11-14 hours

Children 3-5 years old

10-13 hours

Children 6-12 years old

9-12 hours

Teenagers 13-18 years old

8-10 hours

As parents, we want our kids to have daily sleep patterns. But in reality, sometimes it's not what you expect. Because the sleep pattern of the kids is indeed difficult to guess and can change every day.

What are some tips to help kids get the recommended amount of sleep?

  • Keep a routine
    One of the ways babies learn it's time to go to bed is from environmental cues. Approximately 30 minutes before bedtime, reduce noise and dim the lights. Proper lighting is essential to set the baby's internal clock. The brain associates light and dark with being awake or asleep. Turning off the lights at night and exposing the baby to bright lights in the morning will help with this process. This routine should be carried out as quickly as possible. Ideally, when the baby is 6-8 weeks old.
  • Teach self-soothing
    Newborns can sleep by swinging and a variety of other soothing ways. But that method cannot be applied when the baby turns 5 months old because it prevents him from sleeping. On the other hand, we should train the baby to calm down to sleep. The trick is to put the baby in bed when it's time to go to bed. Parents can hug while patting or shaking the baby. But slowly stop the pats and wobbles until the baby falls asleep.
  • Invite to do light activities
    Children often refuse to sleep for various reasons even though their parents have tried to make them disciplined to sleep. So occasionally invite children to do light activities in the room by conversing, singing quiet nursery rhymes to telling stories.
  • Knowing their habits
    Recognize the habits that make the child comfortable. Some of them are by cleaning her bed and giving away her beloved doll and her favourite quilt. If the child is afraid of the dark, adjust the lighting in his room so that it is slightly dim instead of dark. If the child feels comfortable, it will be easier to calm down and get sleepy.

Managing children's sleep patterns correctly sometimes has several barriers due to various factors. For example, they may be sick, have digestive discomfort/disorders after specific meals, or have excessive daily activities. They may also be psychological things like fear after watching scary shows or asking for parents' attention.
Whatever the reason, as much as possible, parents do not obey the child's desire to go outside the room. Give an explanation that playing can be done tomorrow. Do not make the child more dependent on his parents by holding or patting him too often during sleep. As they get older, children should be able to sleep independently.