Speciality Internist
Degrees Specialist
Areas of Expertise
  • Internal Medicine
Office Medical Office - Internal Medicine
Gender Male

dr. Hery Sikesa, Sp.PD

Internal Medicine

dr. Hery Sikesa, an internal medicine specialist known as an internist, completed advanced training in diagnosing and treating various medical conditions at Udayana University in 2020. 

dr. Hery Sikesa focuses on the care of adults. He is trained to assess and manage complex medical problems that may affect multiple organ systems in the body. He may also provide specialized care for patients with chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. 

dr. Hery Sikesa is skilled in performing physical exams, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, and developing treatment plans. He may also coordinate care with other healthcare professionals, such as specialists and therapists, to ensure that their patients receive comprehensive care.

Some of his International publications are:

  • Diagnostic Problems in Patients with Nephritic Syndromes - Published in International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports, 2020
  • Correlation between the level of urine interleukine-6 with microalbuminuria in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) patients at Sanglah General Hospital, Bali, Indonesia, published in Bali Medical Journal, 2020
Treatments of dr. Hery Sikesa, Sp.PD

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